European Cultural Association from Finland donated us a hundred EURO for supporting our international exhibition actions.
This association was established in 1998 by Paul Tiililä, and he was the first president of the association 19982008.
European Cultural Association will act as a link between cultural circles in Europe. They have organized many international art exhibitions in different countries, mostly in Finland, Italy, Switzerland and Romania.
»CMC Clemenceau Medical Center« affiliated with Johns Hopkins Hospital, Beirut, Lebanon
25 OFAA artists were selected to furnish a very prestigious 5 star hospital in Beirut the »CMC Clemenceau Medical Center« affiliated with Johns Hopkins Hospital USA, who offered their prints to adorn the walls of the new CMC outpatient clinics building, with its 8 floors. The project is being taken care in Beirut by the Kelekian Art Gallery that was selected to furnish the main hospital building in 2005 and now the OPC in 2011. The 25 OFAA artist will receive a special certificate for their donations during the opening of the hospitalxs new building after the installations of the whole art prints.
With the revenue of this project the OFAA website is being established.